December 15, 2021 | National Constitution Center
On December 15, 2021, EPPC Fellow Erika Bachiochi took part in an America’s Town Hall program, on “The Meaning of Equality in America,” hosted by the National Constitution Center.
Below is a description of the event from the National Constitution Center:
Where did the idea that “all men are created equal” come from, and what did those words mean when Thomas Jefferson wrote them in the Declaration of Independence? What has equality meant in America over time—and what does it mean today? William Allen, emeritus professor of political philosophy and emeritus dean at James Madison College at Michigan State University; Erika Bachiochi, fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center; Ellen Carol DuBois, distinguished research professor at UCLA; and Jack Rakove, professor of history and political science at Stanford University, join to explore the idea of equality throughout American history. Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center, moderates.
Learn more at the National Constitution Center’s website here.
View the event on the National Constitution Center’s YouTube page here.