EPPC’s 2022 Family Almanac

About the Almanac

America is starting to take family policy seriously. Record‐low birth rates, increasingly delayed or deferred wedding vows, and the rising cost of raising a child are leading policymakers and pundits to suggest new approaches to supporting family life in law, through the tax code, welfare programs, and across society.

But talking about what would help families most requires a solid understanding of what family life in America looks like, who families consist of, and where the pain points that face today’s parents lie. The 2022 Family Almanac is designed to be a one‐stop compendium of reliable information about family life in America, covering topics from marriage and fertility to household economics and child well‐being.

Nearly all of the charts and graphs in the 2022 Family Almanac come from data compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau, as well as the National Center for Education Statistics, the National Center for Health Statistics, and the Bureau for Labor Statistics. A select few are taken from academic journals or research institutes and are footnoted appropriately. All of these charts can be provided as stand‐alone files or downloadable tables upon request.

Many more topics could be included in this resource, but these figures are intended to start discussions about family policy from a common set of facts. Taken together, they paint a picture of American family life that should inform efforts to better support parents, children, and families.

Patrick T. Brown
Ethics and Public Policy Center

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