The Faith Angle Forum held its semi-annual Conference on Religion, Politics & Public Life December 7-9, 2003 in Key West, Florida. The series brings together a select group of nationally respected journalists and distinguished scholars for in-depth discussions of cutting-edge issues at the intersection of religion and public life. Under the leadership of Michael Cromartie, Vice President at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, the Faith Angle Forum provides extended discussion and the kind of deep reflection that is not always possible in today’s fast paced world of breaking news.
Conference topics:
“Religion, Law, & the Culture Wars”
Dr. James Davison Hunter, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Sociology & Religious Studies, University of Virginia
Jeffrey Rosen, Legal Affairs Editor, The New Republic
“Religion & U.S. Foreign Policy”
Walter Russell Mead, Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations
Christopher Hitchens, Columnist, Vanity Fair
“Understanding American Evangelicals”
Dr. Mark Noll, McManis Professor of Christian Thought, Department of History, Wheaton College
Jay Tolson, Senior Writer, U.S. News & World Report
Kelli Arena, Justice Department Correspondent, CNN
Michael Barone, Senior Writer, U.S. News & World Report
David Brooks, Columnist, The New York Times
Elisabeth Bumiller, White House Correspondent, The New York Times
Alan Cooperman, Religion Reporter, The Washington Post
Nina Easton, Deputy Washington, D.C. Bureau Chief, The Boston Globe
Franklin Foer, Associate Editor, The New Republic
Jeffrey Goldberg, Staff Writer, The New Yorker
Barbara Bradley Hagerty, Religion Correspondent, NPR
James Harding, Washington Bureau Chief, Financial Times
Danna Harman, National Features Writer, Christian Science Monitor
Rome Hartman, Producer, CBS News “60 Minutes”
Melinda Henneberger, Contributing Editor, Newsweek
Wendy Kaminer, writer and author
Matt Labash, Staff Writer, The Weekly Standard
Frank Langfitt, Religion Writer, The Baltimore Sun
Jane Little, Religious Affairs Correspondent, BBC
John Parker, Washington Bureau Chief, The Economist
David Shribman, Executive Editor, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Lynn Sweet, Washington Bureau Chief, Chicago Sun-Times
Steven Weisman, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent, The New York Times
Kenneth Woodward, Contributing Editor, Newsweek