
Virtual Faith Angle Forum: October 2020



Virtual Faith Angle Forum: September 2020



Virtual Faith Angle Forum: August 2020



Virtual Faith Angle Forum: July 2020



George Weigel’s 19th Annual William E. Simon Lecture

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel will deliver his 19th annual William E. Simon Lecture, titled “St. John Paul II: A Centenary Reflection on a Life of Consequence.”



What the Public Thinks About Paid Family Leave

Pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson and EPPC Senior Fellow and Washington Post columnist Henry Olsen detail the results of a new survey of American voters on paid family leave.



Faith Angle Europe: November 2019

The Faith Angle Forum held its 34rd Conference on Religion, Politics & Public Life—and its first ever in Europe—from November 3–5, 2019, in Côte d’Azur, France.



Twenty-Eighth Annual Tertio Millennio Seminar

The Tertio Millennio Seminar on the Free Society was founded in 1992 by Michael Novak, Rocco Buttiglione, Father Richard John Neuhaus, Father Maciej Zięba OP and George Weigel to deepen the dialogue on Catholic social doctrine between North American students and students from the new democracies of central and eastern Europe.



Is Paid Family Leave Compatible with Conservative Principles?

EPPC convened leading thinkers and policymakers for a conversation about the philosophical and practical implications of a federally-financed family leave proposal.



Faith Angle Forum: April 2019

The Faith Angle Forum held its 33rd Conference on Religion, Politics & Public Life from March 31-April 2, 2019, in Miami Beach, Florida.



George Weigel’s 18th Annual William E. Simon Lecture

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel will deliver his 18th annual William E. Simon Lecture, titled “This Catholic Moment: Today’s Crisis in Historical Context.”



Celebration of Bruce Cole

On January 14, EPPC and friends hosted an evening honoring Bruce Cole’s legacy and his posthumously published book Art from the Swamp.
