
George Weigel’s 20th Annual William E. Simon Lecture

20th Annual William E. Simon Lecture The Pope We All Need: The Papacy and the Crisis of the West ByGeorge…



Faith Angle West 2021

Faith Angle West brings together leading West Coast and other US journalists for engaging discussions led by premier scholars on…



The Baby and the Bathwater: Toward a Recovery of the American Idea

Thursday, September 23, 2021 The Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. The Ethics and Public Policy Center and Princeton University’s James Madison…



On Vaccines and Mandates: Moral, Medical, and Legal Considerations

September 23, 2021 How should we think about the morality of Covid-19 vaccines, given that all of those currently available…



The Transgender Revolution in the Classroom: What Parents Need to Know

September 22, 2021 Transgender ideology is flooding public school classrooms. What does this mean for our children? And what can…



How Big Tech Censors Religious Voices, and How to Fight Back

Big Tech’s censorship of conservative voices and speech has only been increasing, particularly as applied to religious voices and organizations….



BOOK EVENT: The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision

Tuesday, July 20, 20216:00 p.m. ET – 7:00 p.m. ET Have the gains achieved by modern feminists in the political…



EPPC’s Big Tech Symposium

Join EPPC President Ryan T. Anderson and EPPC Policy Analyst Clare Morell for EPPC’s Big Tech Symposium, where members of Congress will present their proposed legislative solutions, followed by panels of distinguished legal scholars and experts to discuss and debate those solutions as applied to Section 230, Antitrust Law, and Common Carrier Law.



Virtual Faith Angle Forum: February 2021



EVENT: Donald Trump and the Future of the GOP: Findings from a New National Survey…

A new poll, conducted by YouGov under the direction of EPPC Senior Fellow Henry Olsen, explores loyalty to Donald Trump and his voters’ positions on political, economic, and social issues. Join EPPC and AEI for an event on February 5 to explore the results.



Virtual Faith Angle Forum: January 2021



Virtual Faith Angle Forum: October 2020
