Red, White, Blue, and Catholic

Click here to purchase Red, White, Blue, and Catholic on Amazon, or click here to publish it directly from Ligouri Publications.

The Church’s work of evangelization and her contribution to the good of society are inseparable. As Catholics and as American citizens, we are called to do more than just vote, and called to do more than just follow a party.


America needs Catholics who are in love with our nation, and who act from the deepest convictions of their faith to make America the best version of herself. If we love God and our neighbor, we dedicate ourselves to the vitality of our society. We respond to the needs of our neighbors. We confront both physical poverty and spiritual poverty. Most importantly, we follow Christ.

As Stephen P. White says, we need Catholic citizens who are Red, White, Blue and Catholic. This book is a Catholic guide to faithful citizenship for every day of the year―not just Election Day.


Praise for Red, White, Blue, and Catholic

We need to be salt and light and leaven, even in politics, in and out of election season. Stephen White offers an accessible and yet urgent guide to doing the crucial work of Christian citizenship with love. — Kathryn Jean Lopezsenior fellow, National Review Institute

Drawing on Catholic social teaching, White—writing with admirable clarity and in engaging prose—reminds us that Catholic citizenship is to be lived out locally and nationally every day, as well as on voting day.” — Carson Holloway, political scientist, author, and contributor to and First Things

This book illuminates why the family is the pre-political basis of the state and shows us how the principles of Catholic social teaching raise up our political vision to a godly humanism, rooted in the image of God, and ordered to transcendent truth, beauty, and goodness. An indispensable guide for Catholic citizens. — C. C. Pecknoldassociate professor of theology, The Catholic University of America

White’s book is a refreshingly balanced presentation of Catholic social teaching. Without pretending to be either a voting guide or a full theoretical treatise, it gives due regard to both social loves and aspects of social justice that were obscured by the political polarizations of the baby-boom generation. — F. Russell Hittinger, PhD Warren Chair of Catholic Studies, University of Tulsa


About the Author

Stephen P. White is a fellow in the Catholic Studies Program at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. His work focuses on the application of Catholic social teaching to contemporary political and cultural issues. His writing has appeared in outlets such as the National Review Online, Huffington Post, America Magazine, and The Catholic Herald (UK). He is a regular contributor at Since 2005, he has been coordinator of an annual seminar on Catholic social thought in Krakow, Poland.

Click here to purchase Red, White, Blue, and Catholic on Amazon, or click here to publish it directly from Ligouri Publications.

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