Mona Charen
Mona Charen is a former senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
Mona Charen is a former senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
Biden’s Second Chance
Mona Charen
While voters have handed the former vice president another chance, it’s important to recognize why they’ve had doubts.
National Review Online / March 4, 2020
Amy Klobuchar Is the Democratic Party’s Only Hope
Mona Charen
Klobuchar is a solid, Midwestern senator who wins in her home state by double-digit margins.
National Review Online / February 28, 2020
The Moral Failing of Bernie Sanders
Mona Charen
Bernie Sanders was not a liberal during the Cold War. He was an outright Communist sympathizer.
National Review Online / February 26, 2020
Don’t Nuke the Nuclear Family
Mona Charen
The 1950s are not coming back. But the nuclear family, far from being discredited, has been vindicated by the decay that surrounds us now.
The Bulwark / February 18, 2020
Bully Wannabes
Mona Charen
Bully chic has come into fashion in President Trump’s party.
Creators Syndicate / February 14, 2020
Mitt Romney: A Modern Man for All Seasons
Mona Charen
The Utah senator, having sworn to do impartial justice, would not evade the truth.
National Review Online / February 6, 2020
Stepping Around Human Misery
Mona Charen
The persistence of large numbers of homeless Americans is one of the signal policy failures of the past two generations.
National Review Online / January 31, 2020
A Time to Build
Mona Charen
Yuval Levin’s new book explains that the story of Congress’s decline is also found in other institutions of American life—the family, universities, and churches.
National Review Online / January 22, 2020
Will Democrats Choose Safety or Risk?
Mona Charen
One story of the Democratic primary race has been the competition between the flight to safety versus the urge to splurge.
National Review Online / January 17, 2020
Was the Soleimani Killing a Policy Success?
Mona Charen
President Trump’s action rid the world of an effective terror master, and Soleimani’s death is likely to be at least a short-term setback for Iran’s imperial ambitions.
National Review Online / January 10, 2020