Back to Balance?
James C. Capretta
Many Americans would be surprised to learn that the federal budget outlook has improved considerably over the last three years….
National Review Online / May 17, 2007
Gunnar Myrdal Was Right
James C. Capretta
Barring a political earthquake, President Bush will leave office without achieving his goal of transforming Social Security. That’s too bad….
Weekly Standard Volume 012, Issue 32 / May 7, 2007
What's Ailing Health Care?
James C. Capretta
In the past half-century, medical breakthroughs have improved the quality of life for millions of Americans—but American health care is…
The New Atlantis, Spring 2007 / May 1, 2007
Reforming the National Institutes of Health
James C. Capretta
“I truly believe the NIH is one of America’s greatest assets,” President George W. Bush said on a visit to…
The New Atlantis, Spring 2007 / May 1, 2007
To Be Continued
James C. Capretta
Amidst the clang and symbolism of the new Democratic Congress’s first month, between the hundred-hour marathon and the posturing about…
Weekly Standard Vol.12 No. 23 / February 26, 2007
Just What the Doctor Ordered
James C. Capretta
When asked about President Bush’s health-care proposal on ABC News after the State of the Union address, Senator Barack Obama…
National Review Online / January 31, 2007
Taxing Debate
James C. Capretta
The new Democratic leaders in Congress and President Bush have both taken steps in recent days with significant implications for…
National Review Online / January 12, 2007