Andrew T. Walker
EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker, Ph.D., researches and writes about the intersection of Christian ethics, public theology, and the moral principles that support civil society and sound government. A sought-after speaker and cultural commentator, Dr. Walker’s academic research interests and areas of expertise include natural law, human dignity, family stability, social conservatism, and church-state studies. The author or editor of more than ten books, he is passionate about helping Christians understand the moral demands of the gospel and their contributions to human flourishing and the common good. His most recent book, out in May 2021 from Brazos Press, is titled Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Secular Age.
EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker, Ph.D., researches and writes about the intersection of Christian ethics, public theology, and the moral principles that support civil society and sound government. A sought-after speaker and cultural commentator, Dr. Walker’s academic research interests and areas of expertise include natural law, human dignity, family stability, social conservatism, and church-state studies. The author or editor of more than ten books, he is passionate about helping Christians understand the moral demands of the gospel and their contributions to human flourishing and the common good. His most recent book, out in May 2021 from Brazos Press, is titled Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Secular Age.
In addition to his role with EPPC, Dr. Walker is an Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is an Associate Dean in the School of Theology and the Executive Director of the Carl F. H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement. He serves as the Executive Editor of Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology, a publication of The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and is a Contributing Editor at Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute. He is also the Public Affairs Advisor to the Kentucky Baptist Convention and a Fellow with the Research Institute of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
Dr. Walker’s analysis has been quoted among such outlets as the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and Vox. His scholarly publications include articles and reviews in the Oxford Journal of Church and State and The Southwestern Journal of Theology. He writes regularly for such outlets as National Review, First Things, The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, and Public Discourse. He is the author of the award-winning God and the Transgender Debate, Marriage Is: How Marriage Transforms Society and Cultivates Human Flourishing, and editor of The Gospel for Life series. He is also an editor of the forthcoming volume Explorations in Baptist Political Theology (B&H Academic) alongside Thomas Kidd and Paul Miller. He is currently at work on an edited volume with Zondervan Academic on perspectives on the natural law and also on a natural law evangelical ethics volume.
Walker earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies from Southwest Baptist University, and he received his Master of Divinity, Master of Theology, and Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Ethics from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He previously served as a policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation and as a Senior Fellow in Ethics at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
Does Justice or Profit Drive Abortion?
Andrew T. Walker
Whether abortion continues or abates under the Texas Heartbeat Act is a valuable opportunity to unearth what is really at the center of abortion and why it receives the degree of protection it does in our country.
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission / September 8, 2021
The Texas Abortion Law Is Justice on Display
Andrew T. Walker
The Texas Heartbeat Act reflects a fundamental truth of human existence: Life is good and worthy of legal recognition and legal protection. This truth reflects what ought to be a clear implication of our Declaration and our Constitution—that abortion is unconstitutional.
Kentucky Today / September 2, 2021
Common Sense Conservatism: An Interview with Tennessee Governor Bill Lee
Andrew T. Walker
EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker talks with Tennessee Governor Bill Lee about his governing philosophy and the future of conservatism.
Public Discourse / July 24, 2021
Persuasion or Discipleship? Confidence, Creation, and Reconsidering Biblical Natural Law as a Strategy for Christian…
Andrew T. Walker
The West is in the throes of a convulsive death rattle, and there is to be no renovation to Western order apart from a rehabilitation of Christian natural law ethics. But before we seek to persuade others, we need to be persuaded ourselves.
Countermoves (Carl F.H. Henry Institute) / July 7, 2021
Why We Opposed an Anti-Abortion Resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention
Andrew T. Walker
EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker co-authored the following piece with several other Southern Baptist scholars, whose names and affiliations are…
Public Discourse / June 22, 2021
Supreme Court Delivers Big Win for Religious Liberty
Andrew T. Walker
According to the Supreme Court, what the city of Philadelphia did in refusing to offer an exemption to Catholic Social Services violates the free establishment clause of the First Amendment because it forced CSS to choose between its mission and its convictions. That’s an unworkable solution at odds with our Constitution.
Kentucky Today / June 17, 2021
Pride Month Calls for a Response of Joyful Truth from Christians
Andrew T. Walker
As culture presses against the church, we must lean even deeper into our faith and its millennia-old teachings with unwavering confidence.
Baptist Press / June 3, 2021
INTERVIEW: Andrew T. Walker on Religious Freedom’s Importance for a Pluralistic Age
Andrew T. Walker
EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker speaks with Charles Camosy about the common good, Catholic versus Protestant understandings of religious freedom, and his new book, Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age.
Crux / June 1, 2021
Thinking Christianly about Goods and Rights with Florida’s “Big Tech” Bill
Andrew T. Walker
The tension that Christians need to wrestle with is not dispensing with either procedural rights or substantive goods, but understanding how rights serve the good and under what conditions competing rights claims yield to particular goods, in this case, the good of knowledge and political discourse. There is no easy formula here. It is messy and is why Christians must think carefully about the responsibilities of a healthy social order.
Carl F. H. Henry Institute / May 27, 2021
Interview with Andrew T. Walker: What Is Religious Liberty, and Why Is It Important?
Andrew T. Walker
In an interview with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker discusses his new book Liberty for All.
Articles, Interviews
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission / May 24, 2021
Beshear Administration Discriminating Against Kentucky Baptist Adoption Provider
Andrew T. Walker
In Kentucky, the Beshear administration’s unbending commitment to the sexual revolution is forcing Sunrise Children’s Services to choose either the integrity of the organization’s convictions or its ability to serve children.
Baptist Press / May 10, 2021