A Compendium on the Kavanaugh Nomination
I am compiling this ongoing compendium of materials on the Kavanaugh nomination in order to give the interested reader guided access to selected items that I consider worth reading. I have not attempted to be exhaustive, nor does my inclusion of an item mean that I necessarily agree with it. — Ed Whelan
Role of a judge
- Judge Kavanaugh delivered a speech at the Catholic University of America titled “Judge as Umpire: Ten Principles.” A summary of that speech is available here.
- Judge Kavanaugh spoke on the judge’s role in preserving the separation of powers between the three branches [Video Only].
- Judge Kavanaugh reflected on Justice Antonin Scalia.
- Judge Kavanaugh reflected on Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
- Judge Kavanaugh participated in a panel on the role that history should play in judicial interpretation at George Washington.
- Judge Kavanaugh spoke on statutory interpretation and the Chevron doctrine at the Heritage Foundation
- Judge Kavanaugh participated in a panel on federal courts at Harvard
- Judge Kavanaugh spoke on the enduring significance of the text of the Constitution at Notre Dame
Separation of powers
- Judge Kavanaugh spoke on the judge’s role in preserving the separation of powers among the three branches at AEI [Video Only].
- Christopher Walker reviews Judge Kavanaugh on administrative law and the separation of powers
- Judge Kavanaugh discussed separation of powers controversies during the George W. Bush and Barack Obama presidencies at Marquette [Video Only].
- Judge Kavanaugh proposed some ideas to improve the health of America’s political institutions.
- Carrie Severino on two of Judge Kavanaugh’s major separation-of-powers opinions
- Peter Wallison in WSJ on how Judge Kavanaugh may restore separation of powers
- Elaine Povich and Alayna Alvarez assess Judge Kavanaugh’s rulings to predict his views on federalism and state rights.
Congressional powers
- Judge Kavanaugh reviewed Judge Barron’s book on legislative-executive debates in wartime.
Presidential powers
- Carrie Severino presents Judge Kavanaugh’s views on U.S. v. Nixon.
- Ben Wittes explains how Judge Kavanaugh’s rulings won’t affect the Mueller investigations.
- Ed Whelan debunks Senate Democrats’ distortions about Judge Kavanaugh’s view of subpoenas and special investigations
- Judge Kavanaugh reviewed Judge Barron’s book on legislative-executive debates in wartime.
- Harvard law professor Noah Feldman rejects Senate Democrats’ claims about Judge Kavanaugh’s supposed position on indicting a president
Religious Liberty
- Hiram Sasser praises Judge Kavanaugh’s record on religious liberty cases and his prior pro bono work on behalf of religious organizations.
- Ed Whelan looks into Judge Kavanaugh’s religious-liberty jurisprudence.
- Kelly Shackelford, the CEO of First Liberty Institute, calls Judge Kavanaugh a strict adherent to the Constitution and a defender of religious liberties
Free Speech
- Ken White reviews Judge Kavanaugh’s free speech decisions on the DC Circuit.
- Institute for Free Speech posts a four-part series exploring Judge Kavanaugh’s jurisprudence in the sphere.
- Brian Miller notes how Judge Kavanaugh is impartial in his support of free speech.
Second Amendment
- Amy Swearer and Scott French at Heritage explain how Judge Kavanaugh’s Heller II opinion faithfully applied binding precedent.
- SCOTUSblog’s assessment of Judge Kavanaugh’s record on the Second Amendment
- Ed Whelan on Judge Kavanaugh’s record on the Second Amendment
Fourth Amendment
- Orin Kerr provides tentative analysis of Judge Kavanaugh’s views of the Fourth Amendment
- Ed Whelan corrects mischaracterizations of two of Judge Kavanaugh’s Fourth Amendment decisions
Administrative law
- Eugene Scalia on why Judge Kavanaugh should appeal to to both Democrats and Republicans when it comes to administrative law.
- Jonathan Adler writes in NYT that Judge Kavanaugh will keep administrative agencies within the limits of law and delegated authority. Adler also writes a more substantive post for Reason.
- Jeff Pojanowski explicates Judge Kavanaugh’s interpretation of the major questions doctrine
- Christopher Walker interprets Judge Kavanaugh’s stance towards independent agencies
- Christopher Walker reviewed Judge Kavanaugh on administrative law and the separation of powers
- Jonathan Wood proclaims that Judge Kavanaugh may help reverse Chevron
- Aaron Nielsen compiled a list of all of Judge Kavanaugh’s concurrences and dissents at Notice & Comment blog
- Michael McConnell explains how Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation may curtail Chevron’s footprint.
Campaign finance
- The Institute for Free Speech analyzed Judge Kavanaugh’s rulings in five campaign finance cases
Environmental law
- Jonathan Adler in NRO pointing out selective reporting on Judge Kavanaugh’s environmental record
- Ed Whelan briefly surveys Judge Kavanaugh’s record in immigration cases
Voting rights
- Hans von Spakovsky explains that Judge Kavanaugh holds a mainstream position on voting rights
Other Legal Areas
- Dan McLaughlin at NRO on Judge Kavanaugh on expert testimony on “battered woman syndrome
- Ed Whelan corrects misconceptions about Judge Kavanaugh’s vote in a routine case involving Trump Casino
The Confirmation Process
- Ed Whelan on Senator Schumer’s demand for documents from Judge Kavanaugh’s time in the White House Counsel’s Office
- Ed Whelan responds to John Podesta and Todd Stern on Senator Schumer’s demand for documents from Judge Kavanaugh’s time in the White House Counsel’s Office
- More from Ed Whelan on Senator Schumer’s demand for documents from Judge Kavanaugh’s time in the White House Counsel’s Office
- Thomas Jipping responds to Senator Durbin’s innuendos regarding Judge Kavanaugh’s D.C. Circuit confirmation hearings
- Carrie Severino also outlines how Democrats are trotting out baseless attacks alleging that Judge Kavanaugh helped shape the Bush administration’s interrogation policies.
- David French discredits a flawed New York Times piece that distorts Judge Kavanauagh’s role in the failed nomination of District Judge Charles Pickering to the Fifth Circuit.
Endorsements from Legal Figures
- Yale law professor Akhil Amar on a liberal’s case for Judge Kavanaugh
- Yale law professor Amy Chua on Judge Kavanaugh as an extraordinary mentor to women
- Supreme Court advocate, and self-described “liberal Democrat and feminist,” Lisa Blatt on why Democrats should support Judge Kavanaugh
- Yale Law School students, faculty, and alumni in support of Judge Kavanaugh
- Former Harvard Law School students of Kavanaugh write in support
- Hoover Institution scholar Adam White on Judge Kavanaugh’s influence on the Supreme Court
- Former Justice Kennedy clerks in support of Judge Kavanaugh
- Harvard law professor Jack Goldsmith in support of Judge Kavanaugh
- The Cato Institute’s Ilya Shapiro on the libertarian case for Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation
- Georgetown law professor Randy Barnett concurs with Ilya Shapiro’s libertarian case for Judge Kavanaugh
- 41 leading Supreme Court advocates signed a letter voicing their support for Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, citing his many years on the DC Circuit and “character, temperament, and intellect.”